

Recent books and papers and other representative works



Pricing the Priceless: A History of Environmental Economics, Cambridge University Press, 2023.

Nonparametric Tests of the Tragedy of the Commons,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, forthcoming (with Y. Liu, F. Asche, and M. Smith).

Impact of in utero airborne lead exposure on long-run adult socio-economic outcomes: a population analysis using U.S. survey and administrative data,” PLOS ONE, 2023.

Distribution and Disputation: Net Benefits, Equity, and Public Decision Making,” Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 2023.

The Value of Statistical Life: A Meta-analysis of Meta-analyses,” Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 2022.
This paper synthesis US government agencies’ VSL meta-analyses.  Please contact me to obtain STATA code that easily allows users to adjust subjective weights, discount rates, and income elasticities.

Valuing New Product and Policy Characteristics using a Simple Linear Program,” May 2023.

Capitalization as a Two-Part Tariff,” March 2019 (with K. Mangum).

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